The Club held a highly successful and enjoyable Joint Breed Appreciation Day (BAD) and A3 Hands On Assessment with the King Charles Spaniel Association on 22 July 2023 at Grenoside. The day was organised by the Breed Education Co-ordinator, Lorraine Gillhespy (Lorphil). Alicia Pennington (Tudorhurst) gave a presentation on the history of the breed, and Julia Pennington (Tudorhurst/Curtana) followed with a very interesting and detailed presentation of the breed standard. Dogs of all four colours were kindly presented by members of the respective committees to aid the presentation.
After an enjoyable lunch provided by Becky Wileman, eligible candidates were able to sit a Multiple Choice Exam (MCE) and those who passed were then able to take part in group mentoring. Candidates in each group were able to go over small groups of King Charles and then watch all of some 15 King Charles Spaniels move, whilst discussing their relative merits and demerits with their Group Mentor.
Alongside the MCE, one candidate undertook an A3 Judging List Hands On Assessment. The Assessors were Gill Smith (Justacharma), Raoul Smith (Othmese) and Liz Rushton (Tiflin). Congratulation to John Whitman, who was successfully passed for inclusion on the clubs’ A3 Lists!
The BAD, MCE and A3 Hands On were provided in full accordance with the RKC’s respective Codes of Best Practice. HERE ARE SOME PHOTOS FROM THE DAY (courtesy of Tom Ashburn).